Saturday, July 25, 2009

There Is Always A Bigger Fish

The water stretches out in all directions, flitting, glittering, and changing. It goes on, and on, and on. Its surface littered with the dots of otter head and birds, until it clashes with the incoming fog. The two battle, wave after wave pouring in, but the fog is relentless, calling to its fellows for reinforcements from over the hills. The mighty ocean stands no chance. The otters slowly disappear, searching for warmer waters. The birds fly away, circling high over the invading forces. The fish stop jumping, protected below the surface, hiding from the oncoming chill. But the fog has not won. Slowly, a new player enters the field, literally burning off the fog. At first there are only small cracks of brilliant light, but they grow larger and connect, and the fog crumbles to the power of the sun. However, its triumph lasts only so long. Sure as the tides the moon rises to the occasion, shoving the sun back after the fog to disappear behind the mountains, only to give way once more to the sea and the fog.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Story Continued

Hey guys,

So I was informed by my very encouraging father that I have utterly failed at blogging. i.e. I have to write more, and post more in order to keep all of you interested in following something that started out as an easy way to stop Mom from asking me for different things that I had written to show to her friends. This was supposed to be easier, but I suppose, like most things in life, it is not what I expected. In attempting to create an escape from any obligation to the things I write, I have instead found myself caught in a net of continued service to the words bouncing around in my brain. And all of this sounds so much more dramatic and unlikable than it really is. I enjoy writing, so perhaps I should instead thank my loving mother for helping me to find an interesting, if common, way to release the letters.

So, with all of this in mind, I can inform all of you that I have, contrary to parental belief, continued to write. However, it has yet to be unleashed into cyberspace, and instead resides within the protective binding of my notebook (which most of you have probably seen me with at some point or another). I hereby promise to pull the less-confusing-and-sucky random pieces of writing and plop them into Melly Land to frolic and be happy, and for all of you to read and (hopefully) enjoy.

Hope all is well,